Wednesday, February 15, 2017

La Posa South BLM LTVA - Quartzsite, AZ - February 15, 2017

We arrived back in the Long Term Visitor Area, La Posa South, on Monday the 6th, and were fortunate that our favorite spot that we had last year was available. Parked, and all set up.

So what have we been doing out here? Besides all the peace and quiet in this place, we did go into town to do laundry, and brought it all back to our rig to dry it.

We had another RV Dreams Happy Hour at Steve & Dianne's rig. Harry & Vicki, Dave & Diane, Les & Sue, Ruth & Dale, and we all had a wonderful evening together.

I went to an RC airshow fly-in. Steve, Dave, and Harry were there as well.

We headed into Phoenix the other day and picked up a stackable dryer at Camping World. We also hit Walmart, Costco, and the 99 Cent store. Then back at the rig, I commenced to install.

It is going where the old huge dinosaur TV was located. Just above the washer.

I had to do a little de-construction, move an electrical outlet, and make a big hole for the dryer vent.

I changed out the old vent for a new one.

And ta da....if we only had electricity, we could use it!

I also took advantage of some of the vendors here and picked up some more LED lights for our rig. I replaced all in the bedroon and bathroom areas.

I also finished the installation of our Reverse osmosis system. I got it installed way back under the sink. It will come in pretty soon as we get hookups.

I also finally got around to changing the oil & filter in our generator. Our solar is working great, but I do use the genny when using our instant pot, microwave, or vacuum cleaner.

We are really enjoying our time in the desert. Time for finally watching some of the shows recorded on our DVR, reading and doing puzzles.

Life is good.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ogilby Road BLM - Winterhaven, CA - February 6, 2017

Now that we checked out Pilot Knob, we moved on to Ogilby Road BLM. Only 10 miles away, we drove around looking at this area. There are lots of space here, no services, but the views are great.
We found a nice spot.

The Ocotillos were really green and healthy here. This is our best boondocking spot to date. Only down side, too far for water and dumping. Since we had the long term LTVA permit, we will head on to Q today. We will be back here again, I'm sure.

Last night, we watched the Super Bowl. Good game!

This morning, after a great sunrise,

I went for a walk and took more pictures of the area.

Cute little guy.

Old gold mine.

We are in the center of this pic.

We are ready be be parked for a while.

Q, here we come!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pilot Knob BLM LTVA - Felicity, CA - February 5, 2017

We said our goodbyes, and thanked them for the moochdock opportunity.

And we were off down the road. We stopped off at the Copper Mountain RV Park in Tacna, AZ where my Sister, Karen, was working and said Hi. Then on to Pilot Knob.

Pilot Knob is a BLM LTVA in Felicity, CA, just a few miles west of Yuma. Here are some pictures.

The Chevron station (Exit 164 off I-8). Can you believe the gas prices? Eight miles away in Yuma, AZ, you can get gas for $1.99.

Dumpsters is all they have here. You can dump tanks and get water at the Chevron station.

There we are!

We were just going to do 2 days here to see what this place was like. We do like it and will be back again.

While here, we drove east to El Centro and hit the Costco, Walmart, and Lowes. Since we were so close, we also drove through Niland, CA and the Slabs. Niland was a total dump, as well as the Slabs. Not a place we want to do any boondocking at. But we did enjoy checking out Salvation Mountain there.

Today, we will move on to another stop on the way back to Quartzsite.

And watch the Super Bowl, of course.

Go Falcons!!